Today we had a small quiz about a few things:1) Turning non-terminating decimals into fractions
2)Placing an integer between certain fractions
3)We just named what the square root of a eight is called. (Um..How do you do that square root sign? Tell me in the comments please :D.)
The question in out small "quiz" about the non terminating decimal was
9x/9 = 1.5/9
We can't have a decimal in a fraction (If you have seen one that actually makes sense, leave it in the comment because I would love to see it!)
What we do is since the 5 is in the tenths place, we multiply it by 10 so:
X=1.5x10 9x10
X= 15/90
simplify it would be 1/6 or 0.16......
The other question was
Place an INTEGER between these fractions : -7/3 and -4/3
Well what I did was that i divided each fraction so I could get a decimal.
-7/4 = -2.3 -4/3 = -1.3.....
What have to find what's between -2.3 and -1.3.....
Many of us said -5/3 ( which equals -1.6...) and -6/3 (which equals -2) because it was between the two fractions.
But we were wrong!
Backe told us that we had to choose an INTEGER and place it between the fractions.
So it would look like this:
-2.3 (which is -7/4), 2 (6/3), and 1.3.... (-4/3)
Now the last question we had on this tiny "quiz" was
Square root of 8 is a _____ number
Someone said it was an irrational number or Q' because it is and non terminating and a non repeating number.
The last set of notes
Let's say there 3 fractions
1 -1 1
- ----- ------- -------
4 4 -4
-0.25 -0.25 -0.25
It is the same answer because it doesn't matter where it is as long as there is one negative sign
- -------
If there is an odd number of negative signs it will still be negative.
Home work!!!! (yes I made it huge)
-Do the journal
-Build a bird house project
-The white sheets from yesterday (1-10 I think)
-Read 2.1 (46 to 50 I also think)
I think (yes I say it again) that's it, if I had made any mistakes please put it in the comments as i shall be reading them probably tomorrow.
Backe is always in school at 8:00 in the morning and he is always there to answer any question you might have about the homework if you don't understand.
I pick Nils Refvik for the next post!