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Monday, October 31, 2011

Jayvee's Blog Post

Today in math class, Mr. Backe taught us how to divide mixed fractions.

The problem was :

Step 1: Change the mixed fraction to improper fraction.

How to do that?
Multiply the whole number and the denominator then add the numerator. Copy and use the same denominator.

In this case, it's going to be

Step 2: Make a simpler question by dividing by 1.

How to do that?
Multiply the divisor (which is -19/6) by its reciprocal and the dividend (which is -17/8) by the same reciprocal.

*What is reciprocal?
Reciprocal is the fraction which you multiply to a fraction to get 1.
Example : You multiply 1/2 by 2/1 to get 1.

Now, multiply the remaining fractions.

Step 3: Simplify if possible

Do 2.3 in Extra Practice
Finish Decimal Sheets
Start Fraction Sheets

The next person to do the next blog is :
Glenn ! :)

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Patrick's Blog Post

During math class, Mr. Backe talked about how to add, subtract and multiply rational numbers.

Step 1: Find a common denominator.
Step 2: Make equivalent fractions.
Step 3: Use sign rules to,
Step 4: Add the numerators.
Step 5: Simplify if possible.

Step 1: Find a common denominator.
Step 2: Make equivalent fractions.
Step 3: Use sign rules to,
Step 4: Subtract the numerators.
Step 5: Simplify if possible.

Step 1: Multiply the numerators by the numerators and denominators by the denominators. Be aware of the signs.
Step 2: Simplify if possible.

Also, if you guys are having a trouble with your multiplication table still, here's a little something I learned in grade 3.

For the nine's multiplication table, I learned something that really helped me.
First you get 9 and you multiply it by any single digit number.
9 x 7
Now you take the factor (7) and you subtract one from it, so now you have 6. 6 plus what equals 9 ? It's 3. Now you place the two numbers together and get 63.
Sorry if it doesn't really make sense, but this is what I do whenever I need to multiply by 9. Hopefully I helped some of you guys.


Next scribe person I choose is:
Jayvee ! Goodluck

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Salem Blog

Today we learned about ways to calculate decimals
Ex. 88.53 x 123.20
Mr. Backe said we have to think like whole numbers with these types of questions.

Do your work on GRAPH PAPER

division question


write as whole number

divisor into whole number.Whats divisor? 22.9

122.48/10=1224.6 22.9/10=229

MrB made a mistake!

But then he fixed it!

25.193/10=251.93 23.6/10=236

both are equivalent complex fractions.



(-)+(+)=depends on absolute value

(+)=(-)=whiichever is greater keep the sign


(+)-(+)=absolute value

(-)-(-)=absolute value













homework :(

first 6 yellow decimal pages


birdhouse if not already in; GET IT IN


Dont we all wish that mast stopped at 2+2??

Lorriel sorry but I choose you.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Filimon's Blog

Minuend - Subtrahend = Difference
Addend + Addend = Sum
Dividend / Divisor = Quotient
Factor x Factor = Product

10 x 0.1 = 1 0.2 x 0.2 = 0.4
1 x 0.1 = 0.1 0.2 x 0.02 = 0.004
0.1 x 0.1 = 0.001 1.1 x 1.1 = 1.21
0.001 x 0.1 = 0.0001 11 x 11 = 121
0.11 x 0.11 = 0.021

0.111 x 0.111 = 0.012321

0.0111 x 0.0111 = 0.00012321

When multiplying with decimals count how many decimal places. Multiply as if the number were a whole number. Count back the number of decimal places and put in your decimal place

1.2 x 0.12

If I think 12 x 12 = 144 I count 3 decimals places in the place in the original question so then 1.2 x 0.12 = 0.144 three decimal places in the answer.

10/10=1 0.1/0.1=1
10/1=10 0.1/0.01=10
10/0.1=100 0.1/0.001= 100
10/0.01=1000 0.1 /0.0001=1000

Rule: When dividing decimals multiply both your divisor to make it a whole number. Multiply the dividend by the same amount. Divide as if it were whole numbers.


I think 0.015 x 1000 = 15 2.45 x 1000 = 2450

I do 2450115=

15/ 2450 100 60
----------- x 15
-1500 ------
----------- 300
950 600
-950 ------
----------- 60 900
-45 3

Homework: 2.2 ALL
Text Book, Extra Practise Work Sheets. Wednesday

Yellow sheets in notebook by Monday October. 31

Salem.. I'm My opinion You should do it..... or else......... BOOOOO

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Joshua's Blog Post

These are some of the questions we did today:

Before you do an equation you must estimate the answer. Round the numbers to the nearest whole.

* add end + add end = sum

* minuend - subtrahend = difference


HOMEWORK: PG. 60 # 4, 5

On Wednesday we had to try and find fractions between 0.65 and 0.66

The two fractions I got were 656/1000 and 651/1000. When I simplify these two fractions they are 82/125 and 163/250.

The steps to finding an equivelent between two decimal numbers are:
1. Find an equivelent decimal number by putting a zero behind the last place value

2. Find a number between the two new numbers

3. Convert the decimal to a fraction

4. If possible, simplify the fraction to is lowest terms

- Remeber to finish the study ladder
- Do the Manga High stuff
- Read to understand pages 55- 59


Thursday, October 13, 2011

Today we had a small quiz.
1. Change -0.88... to a fraction

x = 0.88...

10x = 8.8...

9x = 8

9x/9 = 8/9

x = 8/9

To do this question we have to first multiply x and 0.88... by 10

Then we subtract x and 0.88... from 10x and 8.8...

We then divide both 9x and 8 by nine

We get x = 8/9

2. Find an Integer between -4/3 and -7/3

-6/3 or 2

Remember -4/3 and -7/3 are rational numbers (Q).

The only possible integer between those two numbers is -6/3 or simply 2.

Someone said that there are only two fractions between -4/3 and -7/3

This is incorrect.

There are an infinite amount of fractions between those numbers

3. In a rational expression b can not equal ____.

If you remember your notes b can not equal zero

This past class was a working period

You could of worked on the textbook:

Check your Understanding 1-3

Practice 4 or 5

6 or 7

8 or 9

10 or 11

12 or 13

14 or 15

16 or 17

Apply- odds or evens

Extend 28, 29, 30

Anything that isn't finished is homework!

Or you could of worked on the birdhouse project which is due Monday.

Remember on the birdhouse project there is an overhang on the sides and the front.

Make sure you work on the project now.

Don't leave it all for the weekend!!!

Thank you for reading this post.

If you have any comments or suggestions please comment.

Oh and...


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Kevin M's Blog Post

Today we had a small quiz about a few things:
1) Turning non-terminating decimals into fractions
2)Placing an integer between certain fractions
3)We just named what the square root of a eight is called. (Um..How do you do that square root sign? Tell me in the comments please :D.)

The question in out small "quiz" about the non terminating decimal was
9x/9 = 1.5/9
We can't have a decimal in a fraction (If you have seen one that actually makes sense, leave it in the comment because I would love to see it!)

What we do is since the 5 is in the tenths place, we multiply it by 10 so:
X=1.5x10 9x10
X= 15/90
simplify it would be 1/6 or 0.16......

The other question was
Place an INTEGER between these fractions : -7/3 and -4/3
Well what I did was that i divided each fraction so I could get a decimal.
-7/4 = -2.3 -4/3 = -1.3.....
What have to find what's between -2.3 and -1.3.....
Many of us said -5/3 ( which equals -1.6...) and -6/3 (which equals -2) because it was between the two fractions.
But we were wrong!
Backe told us that we had to choose an INTEGER and place it between the fractions.
So it would look like this:
-2.3 (which is -7/4), 2 (6/3), and 1.3.... (-4/3)

Now the last question we had on this tiny "quiz" was
Square root of 8 is a _____ number
Someone said it was an irrational number or Q' because it is and non terminating and a non repeating number.

The last set of notes
Let's say there 3 fractions
1 -1 1
- ----- ------- -------
4 4 -4

-0.25 -0.25 -0.25

It is the same answer because it doesn't matter where it is as long as there is one negative sign

- -------

If there is an odd number of negative signs it will still be negative.

Home work!!!! (yes I made it huge)
-Do the journal
-Build a bird house project
-The white sheets from yesterday (1-10 I think)
-Read 2.1 (46 to 50 I also think)
I think (yes I say it again) that's it, if I had made any mistakes please put it in the comments as i shall be reading them probably tomorrow.

Backe is always in school at 8:00 in the morning and he is always there to answer any question you might have about the homework if you don't understand.

I pick Nils Refvik for the next post!

Robin's Blog post

We did Math quiz

1) natural number, whole number, rational number
2)false whole number
3)false rational number
4)-7 over -8 is rational number
5) 6 divide 0 is a real number false

today in class we did
Irrationals -that non-terminating and non repeating
like 6 16 116 11116 11116 .....
0.7 period 7 and it length is one

period that is repeat.
the period is length is home many number repeating.

0.61 or 7 which one is higher

10x = 61.61 61 61 61 61 ...

So 10x - x = 61.61 61 61 61.....



i think that 7/9 is higher

tell me if am wrong or not or make any changes

Homework : white extra practice sheet

The build bird house project:
where the base of the house is 10cm by 10cm
roof over hang is 3cm
middle of the bird house is 2.5cm

i choose kevin montalbo

Monday, October 10, 2011

Maya's Blog Post

In math, we learned about Number Theory!
Rational Numbers can be terminating "to end" like 2, -13.2, 1/4
Rational Numbers can be repeating "keeps going" like 1/3, 1/6, 1/15

How to change a repeating non-terminating number into a fraction.
x = 0.3...
Multiply both the x and the rational number by 10
10x = 3.33..
Subtract the x and 0.33.. from 10x and 3.33..
9x = 3
Then divide both sides by 9 to get x by itself.
9x/9 = 3/9
x = 1/3

I made a mistake on my picture. For rational numbers, when expressed from a/b form when a and b are integers and b does not equal 0.

For homework, show you know 0.77777..
For the next blog, I choose Robin Apuya.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Trisha's Blog Post

On Tuesday we did:

 = 3.14

TSA = 2r^2 + 2rh - 2r^2 + 2rh
= 24^2 + 24(20) - 23^2 + 23(20)
= 216 + 80 - 29 + 260
= 32 + 160 - 18 + 120
= 296 cm^2
= 929.91 cm^2

TSA = 10^2
= 10(3^2)
=10 (9)
=90 cm^2

6^2 + 3.5^2 = c^2
36 + 12.25 = c^2
48.25 =c^2
6.95 m^2

TSA = lw
= 2(8) (6.95)
= 2 (55.6)
= 111.2 m^2

111.2 x 10000 = 1112000
111.2/300 = 3707
I need 3707 tiles

Incase you don’t know how I got 10000
1m^2 = 100 x 100 cm
= (100 cm^2)
= 10000 cm^2

Review in textbook
Vocabulary Link in Homework book

*Don’t forget to bring your foldable in a stash-in folder for tomorrow.

…and the person I choose is Maya ☺

Monday, October 3, 2011

Chelsea's Blog Post - Surface Area

Today in class, we solved 2 questions from the textbook (pg. 34- 35), in which both had to deal with finding out the surface area for them.

For the first question, we had to find the outside surface area of the chimney, which looked like this:

In order to find the surface area, first, we had to take the cylinders apart, as shown:

So, next, we had to find the radius:

Small rectangle:
r = d/2
r = 30/2
r = 15

Large rectangle:
r = d/2
r = 50/2
r = 25

After that, then we could complete the formula (remember, it said to give your answer to the nearest hundredth of a square metre):

The answer would now be 1.92m^2.

The second question we had to figure out, was finding the total area of the surfaces needed to be painted inside of a swimming pool, which looked like this:

Then, we had to take the shapes apart so that we could easily find the surface area:

Now, time to solve for the surface area (once again, to the nearest square metre):


- Questions #13, 15, and 16 in the textbook (pg. 34-35)
- Vocabulary Link
- Chapter One Reviews (both from the textbook and the homework book)

Try to do as many questions as you can! It's great practice for your Surface Area test on Wednesday! If you don't know what the test will be on, make sure you study:
  • square and rectangular based prisms
  • triangular based prism
  • cylinder
  • composite shapes (made up of 2 or more shapes)
If you don't understand any of the questions that you have attempted, be sure to ask Mr. Backe for help.

Also, if there is anything that I may have missed out in writing this post, please tell me and I'll fix it right away!

Now, the person who will do the next blog post is...

Yes, I chose you.

Don't forget to do your homework and study for Wednesday's test!